Entrepreneurial Mind Hacking: I Have Nothing to Prove & Nothing to Lose

Jennifer Cortlandt
4 min readMar 23, 2021

Last week I discussed the necessity of fixing our focus; about how important it is to get and stay clear on your brand’s mission, vision & values in order to maintain brand voice & messaging, build consumer trust and establish a solid foundation for your brand’s long-term success. This week I want to expand on that same concept of focus, but pivot it’s application slightly to that of our internal focus as leaders — entrepreneurs, specifically.

I always say that posting on instagram and being good at what you’re posting on instagram about are two very different things. We see this play out in many fields, but especially in entrepreneurship. The messaging from “entrepreneurs” on the platform typically looks like a sexy guy or girl posing in front of multiple Aston Martins with a caption that reads something to the extend of, “F*ck the haters, stack your cash.” or “Started from the bottom.” It’s eye-roll worthy at worst, and contradictory at best.

I would be lying if I said that one of my main goals as an entrepreneur is not to make money. Of course it is. But the goal is not to make money for the sake of making money and to then show people the money I have made. The reason “making money” is a goal in my journey of entrepreneurship is because it is a quantifiable way to measure the success of my efforts.

I am working to create Value, not wealth. Growth of wealth as a byproduct of the time and effort I have dedicated in my business shows me that people find my work of Value. And its Value is enough that people are willing to pay for it.

So, in order to maintain this mentality I have to intentionally fix my focus. I ask myself everyday, “What will create the most Value today?” while simultaneously asking myself, “What will create Value in a year, five years and ten years from now?” And in order to answer those questions accurately, I have to be completely tuned-out of the external noise of the opinions of those around me, and completely tuned-in to the vision I have for my business.

What I have learned on my entrepreneurial path is that a lot of people have a lot to say, but most of them have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. I’d assume the same discovery has been true for you. Most people in your life will not understand the decisions you make as an entrepreneur. They will see an influx of cash and wonder why you aren’t spending it here or there, or give you unsolicited advice about what to do next with your company or brand. My best advice: Don’t listen.

From a young age, I was blessed with a very independent spirit. I rarely cared what other people thought about me. This has continued throughout my life and has been a huge benefit in being an entrepreneur (if not the entire reason why I became one).

Most people operate out of the matrix of the status quo. And a majority of the decisions made within our societal matrix are based around impressing others in order to gain and maintain social acceptance. Don’t believe me? I’ll name a few: go to college, get a good job with your degree, find a good partner, buy a house, have some kids, teach them the importance of college, and getting a good job with their degree, and finding a good partner, and buying a house, and having some kids and so the story goes. The majority of unhappy people in the world are people who have entered into some portion of the status quo agreement and feel like they cannot escape it because of what other people would think. Ex. I hate college but can’t quit bc would my parents think? I hate my relationship but I’m almost 30 and what would people think? I feel stuck in my 9–5, but I can’t quit because what would people think?

When I exited the expectations of those around me by committing myself to God’s calling on my life, I found true freedom. I have nothing to prove. This benefits me as an entrepreneur because I have no need to show off in any capacity, because flaunting wealth and status is just another form of the matrix mind trap which I do not subscribe to. And because I do not have anything to prove, I have nothing to lose.

When we remove the responsibility of other people’s expectations of what our lives and businesses should look like, we remove their ability to take away their approval. We reclaim not only our power as individuals, but also our sense of personal ownership and responsibility. This focus pivot has proven to be my greatest strength — to step forward in life with the mentality that I have nothing to lose positions me & my business to have everything to gain. And that is really fucking exciting.

